July 10, 2019
Dunkin’, Dollar Tree and
drive-thru pharmacy plus multi, single-family housing
By Richard Crumbacker
County Times
ANNE — New construction and remodeling are now occurring in Princess Anne that
will soon benefit local consumers.
Works and Code Enforcement Officer Tracy Grangier reports that the contractor
building Dunkin’ has poured the footings for a new doughnut shop to be located
on the southwest corner lot in front of Princess Anne Village.
Dunkin’ Donuts, the franchise had its site plan and permits approved last year.
That included a restaurant at over 2,000 sq. ft. with a drive-thru window.
At the
former Dollar General building on Mt. Vernon Road, the interior is being
renovated to make way for Dollar Tree. “I know everybody’s heard rumors,” Mrs.
Grangier said, but plans for this were recently submitted so Princess Anne will
soon have all three stores — Dollar General, Family Dollar and Dollar Tree — in
close proximity.
is strategic demolition and remodeling of a vacant medical building at 12145
Elm Street so Chesapeake Health Care can relocate its pharmacy. Currently the
pharmacy is in a nearby building on the second floor, but with this move
the new site will include a drive-thru.
site plan for this was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in May,
and at the July 1 Town Commissioners’ meeting Mrs. Grangier said the entire
project received all of its approvals.
these improvements, it was reported that the McCready Health urgent care center
on Brittingham Lane shutdown on June 14.
originally serving as an outpatient center then closing for many years, it
reopened in November 2015 but struggled to find the right mix of services.
with Peninsula Regional Health System in line to acquire Mc-Cready its future
is to be determined.
north of the McCready building is the proposed Somerset Crossing, which will
get access from the east by an extension of UMES Boulevard with the
installation of a new traffic signal on the southbound lane of U.S. 13.
development, overseen by Delaware-based Capano Management, is currently seeking
Manager Deborah Hrusko said she expects some activity on the 62-acre property
in the next six to eight months. “They’re trying to get everything lined up
before they actually start because once they start they want to keep moving,”
she said.
On the
residential side, the Board of Zoning Appeals in June approved a special
exception for 24 units to be built on the south side of Spruce Street
behind the Pizza Hut and Social Services parking lots.
Street Apartments, a project of Thor Bridge LLC, will involve two buildings
built in phases where three one- story apartment buildings are now located.
More detailed plans are yet to be submitted and finalized.
UMES Boulevard an additional 54 units of workforce housing are planned by
Enterprise Homes to complete this development which already includes 75 units.
Grangier said the planning commission met June 27 and approved its annual
report to the Maryland Department of Planning. One of its highlights was
permits for eight new single family homes during the year, and she said four
more are expected in the next few months.
approved by the planning commission was a solar energy installation to help
power the Somerset County Sanitary District’s wastewater treatment plant, and
the installation of a new water main to serve the west side of U.S. 13 at Deal
Island Road. It will utilize a right- of-way to bore under the west end of
Manokin River Park, however, Mrs. Grangier said whatever trees are removed will
be replaced in the same general area.
will improve water quality for everybody on the west side of town,” she said.
While it’s not a town project she wanted the commissioners and the public to be
aware of the work that will be taking place.